To get started, we need to be added to your/the individual’s personal plan. It will be important that your/their ISSA is on board.
If these services seem to fit your needs, get in contact with us!
To get started, we want to get to know our client. This will include a meeting with the client and their support team (ex. guardian, ISSA, agency staff, etc.). This process allows us to
Introduce the responsible behavior analyst and determine if she/he/they will be a good fit
Connect with all the important players – especially the client
Understand what his/her/their goals are
Gather data about where he/she/they are at now
Define how Fern Leaf can best integrate with everyone on the team
Develop a plan of action
Your behavior analyst will assess your/the individual’s unique needs by:
Meeting with you/them
Observing you/them in the environment(s) of interest
Interviewing key supporters in your/their life
Reviewing behavior data
Behavior Support Strategies
Your behavior analyst will use their assessment to develop an individualized strategy to support your/the individual’s desired behavior change.
If the behavior support strategies look like they will work for everyone, then we will train the direct care team on how to use them most effectively. Fern Leaf ABA is especially proud of our training process, which we have found to be both effective and time efficient.
Monitoring, Collaboration, & Ongoing Reassessment
Throughout the year, the behavior analyst will follow-up at least monthly and continue to monitor your/the individual’s progress:
Meeting with you/them
Observing you/them in the environment(s) of interest
Talking with staff and support team members
Reviewing available data
This whole process will be individualized for each client based on the nature and intensity of their needs and goals.
At Fern Leaf ABA, we usually visit our clients in person 1-4 times per month allowing us to really get to know them and provide quality services. We want our clients, their teams, and even their housemates and coworkers to be pleased to see us when we visit. Our priority is to be respectful, welcomed guests.
The rule of thumb is
“Consider how it would feel or what you would expect if a medical professional needed to visit you at home.”
You can expect our consultants to:
Clearly schedule visits
Knock before entering
Ask a resident if we can use a restroom in their home
Leave if any resident asks us to leave
There may be some exceptions to these standards as we build trust and rapport with each setting, and we will confirm any changes before implementing them.
We also respect all policies and
guidelines related to health and safety
(review our COVID-19 & Illness Policy here).
2020 taught us that tele-observation is a very meaningful support when we can’t be there in-person. Tele-observation can give us opportunities to celebrate hard-earned successes in real time, and also be an important tool when clients are having a challenging moment and staff need support. Every client and their guardian (if applicable) will have the chance to approve or reject the use of tele-observation at the start of services.
Use of video observations will be done in line with HIPAA standards, especially including, but not limited to:
Encrypted software will be used to conduct the observation (ex. GoogleMeet with added encryption, FaceTime)
These observations will NOT act as surveillance. Each observation will have a defined beginning and end.
Observations will not be recorded or saved in any way
Observations will be conducted in private. No one outside of Fern Leaf will be able to see or overhear the observation
The client will have the right to end the observation at any time (Exceptions to this standard can be made but must be stated in writing, and a rights restriction will need to be approved through the Human Rights Committee.)
Fern Leaf ABA will communicate clearly with management staff at the agency so that they understand exactly where, when, and under what circumstances this technology will be used.
Fern Leaf ABA has worked hard to develop documentation that meets the standards of all of our reviewers. They have all the features required by surveyors (ex. Bureau of Quality Management (BQM); Bureau of Accreditation, Licensure, & Certification (BALC); Ligas, etc) and meet the high standards of our field.
Most importantly, they are easy to understand and use.
Implementation Strategies
Functional Behavior Assessment
Behavior Support Strategies
Data Sheets
Quarterly Progress Reports
Any supportive documents for other professionals as needed (Ex. Physicians, SST, One-to-One applications, etc.)
If you have questions or would like to see a sample of any of these documents, please contact us!